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Virtual Office

Why Choose Biz & Bird's Virtual Office Service?

Licensed Provider

Licensed to provide virtual office services


Cost Effective

Save your wallet, choose cost-effective

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Caring for You

Experienced customer service team understands your needs

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Virtual Office: Choosing a TCSP Licensee

Under the Anti‐Money Laundering and Counter‐Terrorist Financing Ordinance, the provision of a registered office, business address, correspondence or administrative address for a corporation, partnership or any other legal person or legal arrangement requires a TCSP license. Biz & Bird, a Trust or Company Service Provider Licensee (TC009081), licensed to provide virtual office service.

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Is It a Must for a Limited Company to Have a Registered Office in Hong Kong?

Statutory Requirement

According to section 658 of the Companies Ordinance, a company must have a registered office in Hong Kong to which all communications and notices may be addressed.

What are the requirements of registered office?

  1. The registered office must be situated in Hong Kong to which all communications and notices may be addressed.

  2. The registered office of the limited company incorporated in Hong Kong cannot be situated outside Hong Kong.

  3. Post office box numbers are not acceptable.


Where Does My Company Keep the Statutory Records?


Statutory Requirement

Under the Companies Ordinance, the register of members, register of directors, register of company secretaries, registers of charges, minutes, etc. must be kept at the company’s registered office or a prescribed place. 

Biz & Bird, a Trust or Company Service Provider Licensee (TC009081), licensed to provide registered office service to you to keep your company's statutory record.

Virtual Office Service Plan

Most Popular Plan

VO Pro​

Registered Office Services +

Virtual Office Services


Registered Office Services

  • Biz & Bird's office address serves as the registered office for 1 year

  • Assisting in keeping the company's statutory records

Virtual Office Services

  • Offer a mailing address for receiving correspondence and packages from government departments, banks, and other companies for 1 year

Electronic Directory Services

  • Electronic display of company names



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